Thursday, March 22, 2012

Works Cited Ancient Rome Strands


The Roman Gladiator. 2007. < /consortium /gladiator 3 .          
   html>. [February 26, 2012.]

Roman Gladiator Types. 2011. <>.
   [February 26, 2012.]
Female Gladiators in Archeology and Re-enactment. 2011. <http://www.unrv./culture /female-gladiator.php>. [February 26, 2012.]

N. S. Gill. Gladiator Weapons. 2012. <
   Gladiatorweapon.htm>. [February 26, 2012.]
   meaning_of_Valentina.html>. [February 26, 2012.]
Name: Aurelius. 2012 <
   meaning_of_Aurelius.html>. [February 26, 2012.]
Name: Evander. 2012 <
   meaning_of_Evander.html>. [February 26, 2012.]
Name: Aquila. 2012. <
   meaning_of_Aquila.html>. [February 26, 2012.]

Name: Brutus. 2012. <
   meaning_of_Brutus.html>. [February 26, 2012.]
Name: Bacchus. 2012. <
   meaning_of_Bacchus.html>. [February 26, 2012.]
                Tickr Blog. Colosseum Interior Rome, Italy. Flickr: Amphitheatre Colosseum.   
   2 August 2008. < tickr/ Flickr_ amphitheatre  
   _colosseum/>. [February 26, 2012.]
Wittens, Steven, and Stefan Negtegaal. Retiarii Gladiator. Types of   
   Roman Gladiators. 2012. <
   gladiators/>. [February 26, 2012.]
Wellborn, B. J. Slave Marcket In Ancient Rome. Digital image. A Mysterious Phone    
   Caller Asks A Burning Question. May 2011. <http://civilwarodyssey. blogspot.
   com/2011/05/mysterious-phone-caller-answers-burning.html>. [February 26, 2012.]
Piela, Joe. Ancient Roman Sica. Digital image. The Lonely Mountain Forge. 
   April 2009. Web. <>.
   [February 26, 2012.]
Guide to Gladiator Fight Training - BBC History. Perf. Terry Jones. Youtube.
The Role of The Fighting Arena - BBC History. Perf. Terry Jones. Youtube.

Q & A

How do Individuals contribute to or shape society?
   The Roman Gladiators were a central part of the ancient Roman society. Though many of these gladiators were Roman, they were made to look like Rome's enemies so that it would not seem terrible that a Roman kill another Roman. If a gladiator was extremely successful in the arena he would have Romans fawning over him, children wanting to be him. Gladiators are what Rome was originally built on: brutality, war, sweat, and blood. Over time as the Romans became a soft and decadent people where there soldiers would barely fight or die in battle. This was a way to see the fundamentals of Rome. Gladiators became a way to escape from your problems. They had what everyone secretly wanted: courage. Roman Gladiators were the heart of Rome and affected the society with their brutality to try to keep them from becoming completely a soft people.

How does Ancient Rome Affect The World Today?

   The lasting impact of Ancient Rome and Roman gladiators on the world today is immense. Gladiators are looked upon as a courageous group of men and women who fought for their lives and at times did not wish to be part of the Roman Empire. We still hold the ideals of Roman gladiators in our world as well. The stories of the men and women who fought in the arena are still told today. For example: Spartacus and American gladiators are shows based off of Roman Gladiators and both are extremely popular. Another book, the Hunger Games, speaks of an arena and a terrible empire looming above their heads forcing them to fight one another to the death. Everything in this novel is very similar, if not based off of the Roman Empire. The Capitol was like Rome as they had vomitoriums and gorged themselves in all that was "good in the world". The 12 districts like those controlled by the Romans. They would force some of their children to fight in brutal and horrific battles that involved them killing one another in an arena. From this I can say easily that Rome still stays in our minds today, as do Roman gladiators. 

Introduction Into TWO REMAIN

Hello, I am Gabby Conlan and my topic is Historical Fiction. For my project I created a short play that included elements from Ancient Rome and took place during that time period. This play is based on two brothers, Aurelius and Evander, who are sold as gladiatorial slaves after their father is killed. Their father, earlier on, swore that if he ever died before paying back his debt everything he owned and his family would become the property of these men. This included his two beautiful sons and his faithful wife. The father made this when borrowing their money. These men then murdered him so that they could gain everything that was his to pay their debt. Aurelius and Evander then were sold into slavery to a man named Brutus who was one who owned gladiators. Brutus is a very influential man in the Roman society and is respected by his peers for owning and training successful gladiators in the arena. Now, Evander and Aurelius become gladiators and go through training as all gladiators must. Brutus also owns many other slave gladiators. Their names are Valentina, Aquila, and Bacchus. Valentina and Aquila are fraternal twins, wealthy Roman citizens that chose to become gladiators. Aquila is extremely protective over his sister and will make sure that no one messes with her. He is a quiet man who is thoughtful and calculates every move those around him make. Valentina is a woman with extreme skill and is not afraid to speak her mind. Bacchus is a soldier from Greece that came to Rome to get work. He is a very loud man who is friendly but extremely brutal in the arena. There are several different types of gladiators such as the bestiarii who were armed with spears or knives and are matched against different beasts. As this gladiator developed, they began to be highly trained fighters who must kill exotic beasts brought to Rome. Another lethal fighter would be the dimachaeri who fought with two swords, one in each hand. This is the type of fighter Aquila is. Valentina is a There were also a group of gladiators called Retiarii. These are gladiators carrying a trident, dagger, net, and a larger leather wrist band extending to the shoulder and onto the chest. At times they wore a metal shoulder shield to protect their lower face and neck. This type of gladiator is what Bacchus has been trained to be. Evander and Aurelius are Thraces. These gladiators had broad rimmed helmets that covered the entire head, a small circular or square shaped shield, and two thigh length greeves. Does everyone know what greeves are? (If not they are armor that cover the shin area) These men also fought with curved swords called a “sica”. After they train they fight in the arena and realize how dangerous this is. Valentina and Evander become entangled in a love interest that Aurelius does not approve of for he is attracted to her as well. One day Aurelius and Evander have an argument because Evander took the side of Aquila in a disagreement between the two. This then pits the two brothers against one another. They barely speak. But then while waiting for their matches, Aurelius sees one of the thugs who killed his father. In that instance he flashes back to the scene of the crime. After he replays this in his mind, he realizes that Evander has done everything for him. Aurelius was always self-centered and let Evander give up all he ever wanted for him. Suddenly the announcement is made that Evander and Aurelius will be fighting each other alone in the arena. They both make a decision right then as to what they are going to do…

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Roman Slave Auction
(Stands frowning and angry; Seemingly unhappy and is looking downward thinking about “oh poor me!” He is standing next to Evander)

(Standing beside Aurelius and 1 other boy; They are lined up for all to see and bid on downstage to the right diagonal to the audience; He is calmly looking around the croud with a slight grimace)

Good day to you all. Today we are selling slaves to fight in the recently finished Colosseum as gladiators. Here we have three healthy and strong young men! They are all able bodied. Feel free to come and examine them!

Brutus and One Buyer:
(Buyer begins to look at the man standing next to Evander. Brutus takes one look at Evander and Aurelius.)

Evander and Aurelius:
(Evander looks at Brutus with a steady gaze; Aurelius looks up from underneath his hair glaring at the man)

(Looks over at the auctioneer with authority) I will take these two.

(Looks at Brutus with fear and immediately declares) These two slaves have now been sold to Brutus! (Gestures to Aurelius and Evander; Exits stage left with the buyer and other slave.)

Buyer, Auctioneer, and Slave:
(Exit stage left to left wing)

(Looks at Aurelius and Evander) You two now belong to me. You will be trained as a gladiator, whatever type that fits your talents and you will succeed. Understood?

I understand…. master. (Is not happy about calling him that, but keeps his face emotionless)

(Remains silent and glares at the man) I may be your slave… but I still have my thoughts as a freedom. (Glares once more then looks downward still glaring)

Brutus, Evander, and Aurelius:
(Walk off stage right)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Eighteen years ago a healthy Roman boy, Aurelius, was born to a plebian family. This was their second son. The first was a two year old boy named Evander. He was a brilliant child, quick witted and attentive. Aurelius was everything a Roman family could hope for. As beautiful as the sun: he had golden hair falling into eyes the color of the Mediterranean Sea, and strength beyond that of many generals in Rome. As these children grew up their family fell farther and farther into debt. They were unable to pay these debts back which caused anger to course through the veins of those who lent their father the money. One day, having enough of this, they congregated to plot his murder…    (Leaves to the right wings; Murderers 1, 2, 3 enter onto center stage in that order facing audience)

Murderer 1:
I have had enough of this man! He takes our money promising to pay us back, but does he? No! I want him dead!    (Walks to stage right making a thinking face)    But how may we kill him without others knowing?

Murderer 2:
Well… hmmmm… (Steps forward thinking) We could always do what the Senate does.

Murderer 1:
(Looks at 2 confused) Well what is that?

Murderer 2:
(Exclaims flailing right hand into the air acting very happy)    Hire thugs of course! This way we do not have to lift. a. finger.     (smirks evily)
Murderer 1:
(Frowns not liking this idea. He is about to interject lifting left hand and pointing into the air with his mouth open when 3 cuts him off)

Murderer 3:
(Smiles and exclaims)    What a wonderful idea! Then we can sell his two children as slaves. They could even be gladiators!    (Big smile with mouth open)

Retiarii Gladiator In Fighting Stance
Murderer 2:
What of his wife?    (Thinking face, looking far into space)

Murderer 1:
(Looks at audience. Begins to look at 2 gesturing towards him in a “What on earth???” face, then at 3. Repeat once more)

Murderer 3:
I know!    (Makes a “light bulb” face)    We could sell her as a domestic slave so that if either of her sons die, she will hear of it!

Murderer 2:
(Gasps, running and clutching at 3’s face shaking it gently with every word)    That is the most… ingenious, wonderful    (pause here becoming teary eyed)    BEAUTIFUL idea I have ever heard!

Murderer 1:
(Stares in disgust at 2 and 3)

Murderers 2 and 3:
(Begin babbleing about how wonderful their scheme is laughing insesantly and patting one another on the back; Have HUGE smiles on their faces.)

Murderer 1:
(Shakes head at 2 and 3; Stomps over to them standing behind them; He then pushes 2 and 3 apart yelling…)   Now hold on one minute!
Murderers 2 and 3:
(Stumble apart complaining in soft tones under their breath about the pain inflicted by 1 pushing them)

Murderer 1:
Don’t you want to kill him yourself?   (Looks down at his hands, slowly raises them still staring with a manic like joy.)   Are you not so very furious that you could just… that you could…    (Thinking a lot; suddenly gets an idea)    break into his house. Yes, break into his house at twilight and stab him in his sleep.   (Evil and excited plotting face; Looking off into distance wickedly, rubbing his hands together in a plotting fashion)  

Murderers 2 and 3:
(Look at each other then back at 1; Push 1 backwards and yell in unison…)    NO!

Murderer 1:
(Stumbles and falls on his butt; Looking up at 2 and 3 with a furious look on his face; Then droops his head and grumbles about 2 and 3 being idiots and “taking the fun out of everything” under his breath)

Murderers 2 and 3:
(Smile at one another)

Murderer 2:
Shall we continue with that brilliant plan of yours?    (Extends arm in a way that he would escort a woman)

Murderer 3:
Yes we shall!    (Connects arms with 2)

Murderers 2 and 3:
(Look down at 1 in a disgusted fashion) Come on!

Murderer 1:
(Still furious, grumbles getting up slowly looking murderously at 2 and 3) Fine.
All Murderers:
(2 and 3 skip off to the left wing being happy ; 1 is still grumbling with crossed arms following them slowly)

Interior of the Colosseum
(End Scene 1)


                             - Narrator                           - Aurelius
                             - Valentina                         - Evander
                             - Bacchus                           - Aquila
                             - Brutus                              - Murderers 1, 2, and 3
                             - Thugs 1, 2, 3, and 4