Eighteen years ago a healthy Roman boy, Aurelius, was born to a plebian family. This was their second son. The first was a two year old boy named Evander. He was a brilliant child, quick witted and attentive. Aurelius was everything a Roman family could hope for. As beautiful as the sun: he had golden hair falling into eyes the color of the Mediterranean Sea, and strength beyond that of many generals in Rome. As these children grew up their family fell farther and farther into debt. They were unable to pay these debts back which caused anger to course through the veins of those who lent their father the money. One day, having enough of this, they congregated to plot his murder… (Leaves to the right wings; Murderers 1, 2, 3 enter onto center stage in that order facing audience)
Murderer 1:
I have had enough of this man! He takes our money promising to pay us back, but does he? No! I want him dead! (Walks to stage right making a thinking face) But how may we kill him without others knowing?
Murderer 2:
Well… hmmmm… (Steps forward thinking) We could always do what the Senate does.
Murderer 1:
(Looks at 2 confused) Well what is that?
Murderer 2:
(Exclaims flailing right hand into the air acting very happy) Hire thugs of course! This way we do not have to lift. a. finger. (smirks evily)
Murderer 1:
(Frowns not liking this idea. He is about to interject lifting left hand and pointing into the air with his mouth open when 3 cuts him off)
Murderer 3:
(Smiles and exclaims) What a wonderful idea! Then we can sell his two children as slaves. They could even be gladiators! (Big smile with mouth open)
What of his wife? (Thinking face, looking far into space)
Murderer 1:
(Looks at audience. Begins to look at 2 gesturing towards him in a “What on earth???” face, then at 3. Repeat once more)
Murderer 3:
I know! (Makes a “light bulb” face) We could sell her as a domestic slave so that if either of her sons die, she will hear of it!
Murderer 2:
(Gasps, running and clutching at 3’s face shaking it gently with every word) That is the most… ingenious, wonderful (pause here becoming teary eyed) BEAUTIFUL idea I have ever heard!
Murderer 1:
(Stares in disgust at 2 and 3)
Murderers 2 and 3:
(Begin babbleing about how wonderful their scheme is laughing insesantly and patting one another on the back; Have HUGE smiles on their faces.)
Murderer 1:
(Shakes head at 2 and 3; Stomps over to them standing behind them; He then pushes 2 and 3 apart yelling…) Now hold on one minute!
Murderers 2 and 3:
(Stumble apart complaining in soft tones under their breath about the pain inflicted by 1 pushing them)
Murderer 1:
Don’t you want to kill him yourself? (Looks down at his hands, slowly raises them still staring with a manic like joy.) Are you not so very furious that you could just… that you could… (Thinking a lot; suddenly gets an idea) break into his house. Yes, break into his house at twilight and stab him in his sleep. (Evil and excited plotting face; Looking off into distance wickedly, rubbing his hands together in a plotting fashion)
Murderers 2 and 3:
(Look at each other then back at 1; Push 1 backwards and yell in unison…) NO!
Murderer 1:
(Stumbles and falls on his butt; Looking up at 2 and 3 with a furious look on his face; Then droops his head and grumbles about 2 and 3 being idiots and “taking the fun out of everything” under his breath)
Murderers 2 and 3:
(Smile at one another)
Murderer 2:
Shall we continue with that brilliant plan of yours? (Extends arm in a way that he would escort a woman)
Murderer 3:
Yes we shall! (Connects arms with 2)
Murderers 2 and 3:
(Look down at 1 in a disgusted fashion) Come on!
Murderer 1:
(Still furious, grumbles getting up slowly looking murderously at 2 and 3) Fine.
All Murderers:
(2 and 3 skip off to the left wing being happy ; 1 is still grumbling with crossed arms following them slowly)
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